Year 2 Curriculum


Unit 3: Living Things & Their Habitats

Learning Objective - S3.1

To explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - S3.2

To identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - S3.3

To confidently explore phenomena in their local environment.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - S3.4

To use simple secondary sources, including books and computers to find information to answer questions, with help.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - S3.5

To discuss what I might need to do to answer a question.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - S3.6

To identify and classify familiar objects.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - S3.7

To begin to talk about what they have found out and how they found it out.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective