Year 2 Curriculum


Unit 3: Reports & List Poems

Learning Objective - L3.1

To use a greater range of adjectives: beautiful, fierce, miserable.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.2

To understand the terms: noun, verb, adjective, adverb.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.3

Formation of nouns using suffixes such as –ness, –er and by compounding e.g. whiteboard, superman.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.4

Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.5

To understand use of the suffixes–er and –est in adjectives and the use of –ly to turn adjectives into adverbs.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.6

Formation of nouns using suffixes such as –ness –er and creation of compound words: snowman, football.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.7

Use suffixes –er –est in adjectives: long, longer, longest.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.8

Use –ly to turn adjectives into adverbs: quick, quickly.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.9

Use of the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in progress (e.g. she is drumming, he was shouting).

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.10

After a practical activity or undertaking some research in books or the web, take part in a discussion in another curriculum subject, generalising from repeated occurrences or observations.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.11

Distinguish between a description of a single member of a group and the group in general e.g. a particular dog and dogs in general.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.12

Read texts containing information in a simple report format, e.g. There are two sorts of x...; They live in x...; the A's have x..., but the B’s etc.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - L3.13

Assemble information on another subject and use the text as a template for writing a report on it, using appropriate language to present, and categorise ideas.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective