Year 2 Curriculum


Unit 2: Lots of Feelings

Learning Objective - P2.1

To learn about different feelings that humans can experience and how to recognise and name different feelings.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - P2.2

To learn how feelings can affect people’s bodies and how they behave, how to recognise what others might be feeling and to recognise that not everyone feels the same at the same time, or feels the same about the same things.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - P2.3

To learn about ways of sharing feelings; a range of words to describe feelings.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective

Learning Objective - P2.4

To know different things they can do to manage big feelings, to help calm themselves down and/or change their mood when they don’t feel good. To learn about change and loss (including death); to identify feelings associated with this; to recognise what helps people to feel better.

  • National Curriculum of England Learning Objective
  • Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objective